Source code for pytta.utils.colore

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Módulo simples para colorir textos

@author: João Vitor G. Paes

__STRCLR = {
    "none": "",
    "black": "\x1b[30m",
    "red": "\x1b[31m",
    "green": "\x1b[32m",
    "yellow": "\x1b[33m",
    "blue": "\x1b[34m",
    "pink": "\x1b[35m",
    "cyan": "\x1b[36m",
    "white": "\x1b[37m",
    "clear": "\x1b[0m"

__BGRCLR = {
    "none": "",
    "black": "\x1b[40m",
    "red": "\x1b[41m",
    "green": "\x1b[42m",
    "yellow": "\x1b[43m",
    "blue": "\x1b[44m",
    "pink": "\x1b[45m",
    "cyan": "\x1b[46m",
    "white": "\x1b[47m",
    "clear": "\x1b[0m"

    "clear": "0",
    "font": "3",
    "background": "4",

    "clear": "",
    "black": "0",
    "red": "1",
    "green": "2",
    "yellow": "3",
    "blue": "4",
    "pink": "5",
    "cyan": "6",
    "white": "7"

class Error(Exception):

class ColorNameError(Error):
    def __init__(self):
        Error raised if color not implemented.


        self.message = "This color is not available."

[docs]class ColorStr(object): """Color string"""
[docs] def __init__(self, font: str = "clear", back: str = "clear") -> None: """ Pintor de linhas. Example use: >>> black_on_white_str = ColorStr("black", "white") >>> red_on_green_str = ColorStr("red", "green") >>> print(black_on_white_str("Estou usando colore.ColorStr")) >>> print(red_on_green_str("I'm using colore.ColorStr")) Args: font (str, optional): Cor da fonte | Font color. Defaults to "clear". back (str, optional): Cor do fundo | Background color. Defaults to "clear". Returns: None. """ self.fntclr = font self.bgrclr = back return
[docs] def __call__(self, text: str = None) -> str: """ Paint the text with its font and background colors. Args: text (str, optional): The text to be painted. Defaults to None. Returns: str: Colored text and background. """ if text is None: text = ColorStr.__str__(self) return colorir(text, self.fntclr, self.bgrclr)
@property def fntclr(self) -> str: """Font color.""" return self._fntclr @fntclr.setter def fntclr(self, color: str) -> None or Error: if color in _COLORS.keys(): self._fntclr = color else: raise ColorNameError @property def font(self) -> str: """Alias for fntclr.""" return self.fntclr @property def bgrclr(self) -> str: """Background color.""" return self._bgrclr @bgrclr.setter def bgrclr(self, color: str) -> None or Error: if color in _COLORS.keys(): self._bgrclr = color else: raise ColorNameError @property def background(self) -> str: """Alias for bgrclr.""" return self.bgrclr @property def back(self) -> str: """Alias for bgrclr.""" return self.bgrclr
def _color_code(which: str, color: str) -> str: return f'\x1b[{_LINEOBJ[which]}{_COLORS[color]}m' def _color_clear() -> str: return _color_code("clear", "clear") def _pintor(text: str, which: str, color: str) -> str or Error: try: return f'{_color_code(which, color)}{text}{_color_clear()}' except KeyError: raise ColorNameError
[docs]def pinta_texto(text: str, color: str) -> str: """ Pinta o texto com a cor escolhida. Args: text (str): O texto em si. color (str): A cor escolhida. Returns: str: Texto colorido. """ return _pintor(text, "font", color)
[docs]def pinta_fundo(text: str, color: str) -> str: """ Pinta o fundo do texto com a cor escolhida. Args: text (str): O texto em si. color (str): A cor escolhida. Returns: str: Texto com fundo colorido. """ return _pintor(text, "background", color)
[docs]def colorir(texto: str, fntclr: str = None, bgrclr: str = None) -> str: """ Retorna o texto colorido nas cores escolhidas. Caso nenhuma cor seja informada, retorna o texto sem alterações. Args: texto (str): DESCRIPTION. fntclr (str, optional): Font color. Defaults to None. bgrclr (str, optional): Background color. Defaults to None. Returns: texto (str): Colored font and background. """ if fntclr is None: fntclr = "clear" elif bgrclr is None: bgrclr = "clear" texto = pinta_texto(texto, fntclr) texto = pinta_fundo(texto, bgrclr) return texto